Organizational Resolutions You Might Actually Keep

Many of us wish we were more organized. Yet, despite our best intentions and all the annual New Year’s resolutions, we rarely make progress in that area of our lives.
But what if instead of the huge obstacle that is "getting organized," we just tackled those one or two small things that could make a big difference? Those things we know we redo, the wrong way, time and again. What if we took on one of those projects and found a way to do it better or quicker?
Here are some small steps that can have outsized organizational results.

Source: Pexels
1. Birthday reminders: Instead of setting reminders for the day of someone’s birthday, set them a week in advance so you can get the card there on time or order the gift that’s really right and not just bought on the way.
2. Doctor’s appointments: More than once I've gotten a note from the school nurse that my kids’ forms are super late. Now I take one hour at the beginning of the year and schedule appointments for everyone in one sitting. Dentist? Check. Mammogram? Check. Physical? Check. It’s even easier if the appointments are all at the same time of year, every year.

Source: Allisa Jacobs
3. Gifts at the ready: How many times have you waited for the toy store to open on Sunday because you had a last-minute gift to buy? Get a few top-notch favorites and keep them on the ready! I love the Vault Baby Keepsake Box for baby showers and the Wedding Keepsake Box makes a unique engagement gift for any couple.

4. Returns: Every year I lose money because I get stuck with some item I didn't want, but lost the receipt for. Having one go-to place for my receipts has been life-changing in this regard. I pop them right into the Vault All-in-One Organizer when I get home with my purchases.
5. Holiday card photo: Were you running around to get this in November? Resolve this year to take one during the summer. Everyone's looking better then anyway!

6. Build a list: Always forgetting your husband's shirt size? The restaurants you want to go to, or the books you want to read? I now keep a "basics" digital note for every day facts I want to keep track of, as well as a a book and a restaurant list. This year I started a gift list to record when a friend made an offhand comment about something she liked, which made me far more organized at the holidays.

Source: Minted
7. Holiday cards: Are you still handwriting 150 envelopes? Create a holiday card group in your address book and drag in your relevant addresses. You can print out labels in just a few minutes! Better yet, many sites will address the envelopes for you.

8. Documents: I always thought I knew where my key documents were. Until I actually needed them, that is. After chasing down certain documents at tax time last year, I spent an hour, gathered my key documents, and threw them in The Folio Document Organizer. Now, when I need an important item, I know just where to look.
9. Seasonal clothing: Why wait until the night before your trip to realize your kids don't have bathing suits or snow suits? At the end of a season, stock up for next year's winter or summer needs, and save money to boot.

Source: Gina Hannah
10. Those always-lose items: It seems ridiculous how often I lose track of the things I need to take with me every day. A friend suggested hanging a plastic hook by my door for my mask, keys, and purse. It was a tiny thing, but it has made my mornings so much easier.